By Gabriella Hayes, Associate Editor
Once a month, the night sky is illuminated by the shine of the Full Moon. This phase of the moon is known for bringing out the craziness in life, like werewolves and maniacs. While some swear by the accuracy of that idea, others think the Full Moon, and all phases of the moon, hold intrinsic spiritual significance. There are eight phases of the moon:
New Moon
Waxing Crescent
First Quarter
Waxing Gibbous
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
Third Quarter
Waning Crescent
It’s commonly thought that the New Moon is for setting intentions, while the Full Moon is for manifesting said intentions. It’s said to nurture yourself and any new ideas you have during the Waxing Crescent phase and to take action on your intentions in the First Quarter phase. The Waxing Gibbous phase is the best time for refining your intentions and plans, whereas Waning Gibbous phase is for expressing gratitude for how far you’ve come since the Full Moon. The Last Quarter is all about releasing stagnant energy before cultivating rest in the Waning Crescent phase.
While every phase of the moon is intriguing, the Full Moon holds a little extra spice, and each Full Moon has its own, unique name derived from the month it occurs in. This is the 2021 Full Moon schedule and where each get its name:

Illustrations by Macey Elder
Wolf Moon — January 28th
The January Full Moon gets its name from hungry wolves howling toward the night sky, wailing in plea for food in the midwinter climate.
Snow Moon — February 27th
The frigid month of February brings the heaviest snows of winter, which grants this Full Moon the name Snow Moon.
Worm Moon — March 28th
The Full Moon in March is the last of the winter season, which signifies the melting of snow and arrival of spring showers: perfect weather for worms.
Pink Moon — April 26th
April is a month of budding beauty, welcoming a specific magenta colored flower called the Wild Ground Phlox, which is what the Pink Moon is named in mind of.
Flower Moon — May 26th
Flowers of all kinds begin blossoming and blooming full force in May, making it the Full Flower Moon.
Strawberry Moon — June 24th
In North America, June is the prime time for picking strawberries, which is how the Strawberry Moon gets its name. Europeans refer to it as the Rose Moon, while other cultures have dubbed it the Hot Moon to signify the beginning of summer heat.
Buck Moon — July 23rd
Male deer shed their antlers each year and begin to grow them back in July, hence the Buck Moon.
Sturgeon Moon — August 22nd
A large fish common to the Great Lakes, a sturgeon, is best to be caught in August, giving the Sturgeon Moon its name.
Harvest Moon — September 20th
September signifies the beginning of fall, a time for harvesting crops that have been growing throughout the summer months.
Hunters Moon — October 20th
After the gathering of crops, deer and other game are fattest and perfect for hunting, coining this the Hunters Moon.
Beaver Moon — November 19th
The Full Moon in November was given its name because of busy beavers preparing for winter.
Cold Moon — December 18th
Winter takes reign during this time, freezing over anything in its path, giving the December full moon the name of the Cold Moon.